Yogyakarta City

Yogyakarta – also known as Jogjakarta, Jogja or Yogya – is the capital city of the Special Region of Yogyakarta and one of the cultural and educational centers in Indonesia. This city has a long history as the capital of the Yogyakarta Sultanate and the site of Indonesia’s struggle for independence in 1946-1948. Yogyakarta is also known as a student city, cultural city, and gudeg city because of the many universities, Javanese arts, and typical culinary delights there. Some interesting places that can be visited in Yogyakarta include Ngayogyakarta Palace, Pakualaman Temple, Yogyakarta Monument, Taman Sari, Jalan Malioboro, Pasar Beringharjo and Yogyakarta Zero Kilometer Point.

Facilities: Free entrance
Yogyakarta - Yogyaku-tercinta

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