Gunung Kidul Regency

Gunung Kidul Regency is a region in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, with Wonosari as its capital city. It covers an area of 1,485.36 km2, which is about 46.63% of the province’s total area. The region is mostly composed of hills and limestone mountains, which are part of the Thousand Mountains range. Gunung Kidul Regency is known for its unique culture, culinary, history and tourism potential. Some of the attractions include beaches, caves, waterfalls, temples and megalithic sites. The region also has some traditional foods made from cassava, such as gathot and thiwul.
Gunung Kidul - Yogyaku-tercinta
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Dermaga Pantai Sadeng

Embung Bembem - Yogyaku-tercinta

Embung Bem Bem

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Embung Nglanggeran

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Kawasan Ekowisata Gunung Api Purba

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Pantai Baron

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Pantai Grigak

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